Taurus Season!!

I think we can all agree 2020 has been one for the books so far!! I mean whew!! May is always an interesting month in my life. My birthday, a ton of other birthdays, death dates, Mother’s Day, significant events and anniversaries. Taurus season (AKA a whole HOT MESS) in full effect!

This year’s birthday was spent in Quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And instead of being down about not being able to have a big celebration I find myself extremely grateful. This Quarantine period has been one of rest, clarity and renewed commitment. A time to forge and strengthen relationships, enhance and enrich current as well as newly found gifts and prepare for the new life that will emerge from the ashes.

I don’t expect ANYTHING to be “normal” ever again. And accepting that only opens us up for the endless possibilities that come along with being forced to go left. Forced to figure it out. When the typical avenues and “roads” have been blocked off or detoured and GPS is not getting a good signal, we take a moment, activate our intuition (which has been sleeping on autopilot) and find our way! My prayer is that in the midst of all of this, despite all our complaints and antics that we are able to “reroute” and find our respective paths. Allowing us to evolve and come out with wings! ;-)

That said.. Shout out to all the mommies who are ALWAYS making a way out of no way! We appreciate you and all your magic! That energy is exactly what is needed in the world right now. Go girl!!!

Happy Mother’s Day ladies! And Happy Taurus Season!! Buckle up!!!


Fight For It.


The Universe is Saying “Yes”