Out With the Old!

If you’re reading this, you are witnessing the start of a new chapter for RaJean Beauty! You all have been so supportive and on point. I have to say, for this to have been my very first endeavor, I am officially spoiled. My customers are THEE BEST!! And no-one can prove to me otherwise! LOL

We are launching subscriptions as promised and with that comes so many opportunities to further grow and cater to you all’s needs. I’m here for all of it so keep talking to me! I’m always listening ;-)

Updating and revamping the website, some of my older posts from the very beginning got lost in the shuffle and I’m partly sad to see them go. But if there is a lesson to be learned, it is that one must surrender to progress. It’s ok to start over again and not look back. My story is within me, never to be forgotten and we’ll just keep writing new chapters together!

To any new peeps.. Welcome, welcome, welcome!! (In my best Church Mother voice) You’re joining a journey that is still fairly fresh but truly rolling full steam ahead! 2020 has so much in store and I can’t wait to release more of the surprises we’ve got up our sleeves! So thank everyone for being here, stick around, exfoliate and stay moisturized!!

Love you all dearly! Now let’s GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!


The Universe is Saying “Yes”